Five Tips for Confident Speaking Exams!
How to write a Cambridge essay
How to tame IELTS Task Two
Why you should write a Writing Journal
How to write well in English
How to develop a healthy mindset for using English at work
How to deal with misunderstandings at work
How to speak up and be heard in meetings
Three Challenges Non-Native Speakers face in the Workplace (and how to overcome them)
The three elements of successful language learning
Making the most of feedback from your teacher
Mindset for English exams (FCE / CAE / CPE and IELTS)
Exam speaking tips (FCE / CAE / CPE and IELTS)
Exam writing tips (FCE / CAE / CPE and IELTS)
Why developing positive self-talk is so important for learning English (or anything!)
Why you need to stop worrying about mistakes
How to stop worrying about using English at work
Why it's important to revisit goals
How to deal with anxiety when you are listening to English
How to deal with failure